UPDATE: Richmond Times Dispatch did delete the comments I made there yesterday. Now if Virginia was really interested in trying to curb wrongful convictions and repair the legal system then why not let citizens speak publicly? I think I read somewhere that Texas, Florida and Virginia have the highest rate of wrongful convictions. There have been articles about Texas and Florida forming committes to look at this problem and now Virginia is saying it will "study". Study what? If they let people talk and they listened then they could review cases, give new trials to those who were denied fair trials, let defense witnesses testify, do DNA test and get rid of officials who broke the law by denying defendants their constitutional rights. That is called - DOING SOMETHING to fix the problem.
Officials need to do things because it is the right thing to do and stop playing politics with people's lives. That is why America is in the mess it is in now. Those in power grab the money, don't regulate anything, and let American citizens be abused. If citizens can't be protected from the police and court officials then how can America be protected from outside terrorist? America's legal system was suppose to be one of the things that set us apart from other countries. American citizens were suppose to have rights that would keep us from being grabbed off the street and lock up without due process. When the police and court officials don't give fair trials, and the media don't report on what is taken place inside a court room, then just how many people are denied fair trials because there are no officials to complain to who will investigate and do the right thing?
In Danville, The Sting is a free paper that list crimes and people who are wanted by the police. The paper prints pictures of people giving their names and addresses. Danville also has a tv segment where they do this. But neither The Sting nor the tv segment tell if these people were found guilty of what they were accused of. So the question is how many Danville citizens have not been given fair trials and are shipped off to prison? Neither paper tell court dates of cases so how many court rooms are empty with only the officials and a few (or no) family members present. And the family members are not given access to the newspaper. Perfect set up - for the prosecution.
I read a headline that was something about America looking at other countries to see if we could use anything from how they do things legally. There is really no need for that because if officials would just enforce the laws that are already in place then things would improve here. The problem is that there are some people above the law. When federal, state and city officials break the law, little or nothing is done about it. But when an average citizen is accused of breaking the law, they are arrested. And if their rights are violated by officials little or nothing is done about it. But if the legal rights of an official is violated something is done about it. That's not equal. When a citizen is accused of a major crime and is not given a jury trial but his fate is decided by racist officials and he doesn't have a lawyer to protect his rights then that is NOT EQUAL. When evidence is withheld by officials that would help the defendant then things are NOT EQUAL. And when officials do nothing about the corrupt officials then there is NO JUSTICE.
The President gives pretty rah rah speeches but has he or the head of the USDOJ, publicly spoken about doing something about America's legal system that currently isn't working properly? A system that currently has people, who "look like" them locked up and did not receive fair trials. White Americans should have no problem with that since some White people are also incarcerated for being wrongfully convicted. America has an abundance of people, many who are currently out of work. Jurors are not paid much but it is a citizens duty to be a juror. If people who helped to crash wall street can get million dollar bonuses then jurors should be paid a decent wage. Of course citizens don't want to be jurors when they are not paid adequately and end up on the losing end because they lose money being away from their job. Well now that so many citizens are out of work, let them make some money by being jurors. Why do officials pretend like it is so hard to do things when all it takes is to go a head and do it?
To improve the system, make the ones who work in the system accountable and not give them the power to corrupt the system by breaking the law from within. If all people were honest there would be no need for law and courts because everyone would do the right thing. Most people do the right thing and not just because laws say they have to. So why do officials, who are just people, get away with breaking the law? Why act like those who corrupt the law are the only ones who know how to operate our legal system so they can't be gotten rid of. That's sort of like wall street and the bank situation. They are too big too fail so keep them and let them continue doing what they have been doing. With all the people in America, only those who have damaged the system know how to run it? What kind of crap is that? Are American citizens so inept and stupid that there are none who can replace those who have have messed up so much of America's systems? Our economical, medical, educational, and legal systems are damaged and will only be repaired when officials start doing their jobs and if they will not they need to be fired the same as the average employee would be if we didn't do our jobs adequately. So much for - of the people and by the people - when the people have no control over the officials who work for us. Heck, we don't even have access to officials who work for us.
I am tired of waiting so I'm thinking very seriously about not only posting the testimony of the accuser and defense witnesses but also the names of the tampering detective and the others. If a racist can blog saying nasty things about all black people and not have his blog removed then I should be able to give the names of officials who broke the law and not have my blog removed. Seven years is a long time to wait for justice in a country that is suppose to be about EQUALITY and JUSTICE. If all people are created equal, then why do officials get to break the law and not be punished while innocent people go to prison and citizens are abused for reporting corrupt officials? Honest officials would do something to make things better and not ignore the problems and not ignore the complaints of citizens.
Ezekiel was weird, but he wasn’t wrong
6 months ago
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