I did a search at the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of Appeals website but did not find published or unpublished court decisions for the defendant. Now I'm even more convinced that no appeal petition was ever filed by the public defender. Which is another violation of the defendant's legal rights. This guy doesn't deserve to be called a public defender.
I think American citizens should be more active in how our country is ran. We elect officials at the city, state and federal level. We need to make it so we can vote officials out of office when they need to go and not just at the official election time set up by the government. If officials don't care enough about the law, then they should not be getting paid when they don't do their jobs. And the ones who break the law should go to jail. And the ones who are accused of breaking the law should be put on trial before the public. Too many things in America are done behind closed doors. Officials are public servants which means they are suppose to be working for the people. But they have too much power. If they violate their oath to uphold the law or even look the other way knowing that the law has been broken by their colleagues then they need to be fired.
A woman working at a tobacco plant was fired because a supervisor said he caught her sleeping. It didn't matter if she was maybe tired because she had a sick child or some family situation that caused her to be tired. Maybe the tobacco job (seasonal work) was her second job because she needed the extra money so was just tired. It didn't matter, she was fired with probably no questions asked. Ordinary citizens can be fired from jobs with no reason given.
But elected public officials don't have to do the job properly. And if they are being investigated for something illegal they still get paid while off duty. That's not right.
America have symbols that really don't mean anything. For instance, Lady Justice, the blindfolded woman holding the scale and a sword, seen on court houses. Justice is suppose to be blind, so she wears a blindfold. That blindfold is see-thru. That sword represents vengence and justice. Do I need a sword to get justice? Do I get to take revenge against those who have done me wrong?
Out on Guantanamo Bay, people are being held captive as enemies of the United States. But they have not had trials so have not yet been found guilty of the crime of which they have been accused. Now that the sordid mess has been made public, the prisoners are suppose to be getting public trials. Lawyers will be appointed to represent them.
The defendant in this case is an American citizen who has been denied his Constitutional Rights to a fair trial, legal representation and a fair appeal. The lawyer, paid by the state, worked with the D.A.'s office against his client. So in fact, the defendant did not have a real representative to present his case and protect his rights. When will he receive a fair trial with a real lawyer before the public and with a jury? Why doesn't he get the same rights as those who are accused of being enemies of the United States of America?
Witness tampering is illegal but after seven years, the detective is still on duty getting paid. There has been no investigation. Yesterday I read a blog post about a police officer in Texas who was indicted for tampering with a police report (ARTICLE HERE). But in Danville, Virginia, a police detective tampered with a defense witness and neither Danville nor Virginia officials did anything about it.
One of the Virginia governors that claimed not to have the authority to do anything about this case is now a senator. How can the head of a whole state not have the authority to do something about a citizen being denied his Constitutional Rights? All he had to do was make a phone call to get an investigation started. He could have came to Danville in person. But he didn't care enough. And now he is a U.S. senator. Ohh, I want to name names so bad but don't want this blog shut down. You see, he didn't care about the laws of the United States and the rights of citizens, he ignored the injustice at the city and state level so how much will he care about the law now that he is a federal official? He has proven that he is a good ole boy and will play the game of protecting corrupt officials while he sit in his high office.
Some state attorneys also ignore corruption by officials because they want to be governor. And then maybe a senator and who knows they maybe even aspire to be President of the United States. I've seen a tv commercial that says a political candidate is endorsed by a police department. Police officers are individuals and should vote as individuals so how does a whole police department endorse a political candidate? And if that candidate gets elected, he will not investigate the police for wrong doing.
What about at the city level. Why would a prosecutor who has been head attorney for so many years, and seem to have no aspiration to go further, break the law, violate his oath? Does his conviction folder need to be bulging for him to have a successful career? Maybe he intended to be a city judge one day. How scary is it that a corrupt prosecutor can become a judge? Well at least some of those corrupt/racist officials on this case are no longer on the city payroll.
Some prosecutors also move into more powerful positions. They become judges or state attorneys and state attorneys become federal attorneys. Some prosecutors do their jobs right. I read another article yesterday, it was about a woman who made a false rape complaint. Her complaint was investigated and found to be false so she was arrested for filing a false complaint. (ARTICLE HERE)
Danville officials knew the accuser in this case was lying but the prosecutor took it to trial and it was all kept very hush-hush with no public notice and no jury and no press. The public defender wrote in his notes before the trial that the accuser had made inconsistant statements and had been impeached by others. And at the trial she kept changing her story but officers of the court just ignored it because it had already been decided that the defendant was going to be found guilty. (I'll be posting her testimony soon.)
Judges are people who are in positions to decide who goes free or goes to prison and for how long. And who monitors a judge to see that he does his job right and that his bias doesn't interfer in his being fair honest and just? The prosecutor and the defense attorney can report misconduct by other court officials so why has nothing been reported by them? WHY did the public defender not do something about a defense witness being tampered with? Why didn't he report that the judge and prosecutor also accepted the accuser's perjured testimony?
In a letter to the defendant he agreed that the defendant did not get a fair trial. But he didn't do anything about it. Why? Because they are all corrupt and worked together to send a man to prison without giving him a fair trial. WHY? Did they need another conviction that badly? How many others have they did this to? (I don't feel like looking for the article about the 100 cases that was thrown out because of one corrupt cop.) Are they just racist and had the opportunity to send another black man to prison? Do they have stock in the prisons? Is it a power thing of being able to take away a man's freedom for as long as they want? Maybe all of the above. If these men were brought to justice and stood before the people and asked WHY, they would not answer because the answers would show how nasty and evil they are.
When President Obama chose a woman to be a federal judge, some people brought race into it. There is no problem with having white male judges who are racist but oh no, can't have prejudice judges of color. The purpose of having Rules of Law is that everyone is suppose to go by the rules and put aside their prejudices. Unfortunately, in the south, many officials are racist and use their positions to violate the rights of citizens of color. This is about a man's life. This is not a game where the referee turns his head and pretends not to see a purposeful foul or a punch below the belt. The defendant has already had years of his life taken from him, have been separated from his family including his children, but what about when he gets out? Forever he will be labelled a sex offender because some white men are racist and are positions to do what they want to his life. And ex-prisoners can't VOTE.
On Thursday, it will be three weeks since I sent an e-mail to Mr Eric Holder, the United States Attorney General. I know that anything concerning the federal government takes time but it would have showed that Mr Holder and the United States Department of Justice - the Criminal Department or the Civil Rights Department - cared just by replying to say there will be an investigation and a fair trial for the defendant and I would be contacted later. Why is everything a stall and a wait?
Elected officials know how to reach us when they want our vote but then act like we are not important enough for them to respond to our complaints. I voted for Barack Obama to be President of the United States. He picked Mr Holder to be Attorney for the United States. I am an American citizen and I have reported a crime. Not one official contacted at the state and federal level have investigated this case or showed concern for the safety of my family.
A few months ago, I received a call from a woman who was working the phones for someone running for a political office. She said this person was endorsed by Barack Obama. I told her that I had not decided if I was going to even vote. She said "Oh God or oh Lord". God has nothing to do with it. Why should I vote for another politician who knows my name when they want my vote but ignores me when I simply ask for them to do what they should do - uphold the laws of the United States Constitution?
The names of the officials in Danville who have broken the law by violating the Constitutional Rights of the defendant need to go to prison. I want to see them with handcuffs on. I want justice. The names of Virginia officials who did nothing about this case also need to be known in case they want to hold higher offices. If they don't respect the law then they should not be officials at any level. They need to be fired.
If I do not receive an e-mail from Mr Holder, the United States Department of Justice by Thursday, or Friday, I will start posting the letters from officials. I also want to post the testimony from the preliminary hearing and the trial. I have not up till now because I don't want to be accused of trying to tell defense witnesses what to say. But it is already public record which anyone can buy if they have the money. But I'm going to make it public right here on this blog for anyone who wants to read it for themselves - FREE. It's time for the public to know what the corrupt officials don't want revealed in a real trial.
I'm tired. I'm tired of the injustice. I'm mentally weary after seven years of this being constantly on my mind. I'm tired of being disappointed because officials will not do the right thing. I am only asking for what the defendant is entitled to - a fair trial. I continue to seek justice to honor those who came before, those who were enslaved but endured, those who were abused and killed just to have equal rights ..... the right to live free.
Ezekiel was weird, but he wasn’t wrong
6 months ago
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